Why Replace Your Terracotta with Fiberglass?

Replacing Terracotta with Architectural Fiberglass  

Terracotta is a beautiful building material that has been used for centuries and offers a unique look. However, when it comes to replacing or restoring this historic material, many challenges arise that drive up the cost and even extend the amount of time on a restoration project. There are even times when it may seem challenging to replicate the original look of the terracotta design in a way that does not give away that it was restored.

With the development of new innovative materials, including architectural fiberglass, there are many reasons to consider using this as a replacement for traditional terracotta.

A Better Match

Matching original terracotta can be next to impossible. With so many terra cotta mixtures that have led to a wide array of colors and textures, creating new traditional terra cotta materials may not work or may take too long to get right. However, architectural fiberglass is technologically advanced and can create an exact match to fit other terra cotta structural components. Even terra cotta experts have had a difficult time telling traditional terra cotta from architectural fiberglass that has been made to look like terracotta.

Ease of Use

Architectural fiberglass is much lighter in weight than traditional terra cotta. That means it is easy to pick up, load, transport and install. Regular equipment or manpower can replace the need to rent heavy equipment that is often necessary for the transport and installation of traditional terra cotta.


Architectural fiberglass is flexible and can be made to any mold or shape, including very elaborate architectural details and patterns. Traditional terra cotta just does not have the same flexibility or versatility. Even if it was attempted, the cost of doing so often becomes too much for a project’s budget.

With such flexibility, architectural fiberglass can be used for any feature where terra cotta had been used. Plus, it can even work on applications where terra cotta was previously too difficult or heavy to use.

High Resistance

Just because it weighs less than terracotta does not mean it is more vulnerable to the elements. If anything, because it is less porous than terra cotta, it is more resistant to water and insects. It can also withstand chemicals, weather, seismic activity and fire. This makes it a much more value-added solution since it lasts longer and requires less maintenance and replacement.

Lightens the Load

Since architectural fiberglass is so much lighter than traditional terra cotta, it offers other advantages, including lightening the building load. This alleviates pressure on the other architectural features attached to the structure. The result is that the other features and the overall structure can last longer, extending their life and the overall value of this replacement process.

Replace Your Terracotta with Architectural Fiberglass

The Stromberg Architectural team can show you projects where terracotta has been replaced with architectural fiberglass with extraordinary results. To learn more about how architectural fiberglass can work for your project and to get a free estimate, please fill in our online contact form or call us at 903-454-0904.

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